Copy of Original Journal & Memoires
of Prince Charles's
Expedition into Scotland 1745-6
By a Highland Officer in his Army
Together with transcript

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N.B. Words in italics over a caret (^) represent inserted notations in the script

Journal - Introduction

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Page numbered 30

the example shewn by his R. H. who always
march'd on foot at the Head of his men.
As soon as we pass'd the River Esk Ld.Geo. Murray *
with the Low country men advanced set out befor for
Glasgow On the 21t we marched from Annan to Dum
freis on the 22d to Drumlainrig on 24th to Doug
las Castle and on the 25th to Hamilton. His R. H. stayed
one day at the Palace of D. Hamiltn & hunted ^ on the 27th
                          & arrived on 26th
we marched for Glasgow ^ where we stayed near a
and cess'd that Town who had taken arms agt e P. while we were in ? Eng.
week ^ on the 9th On the 6th we march'd from Glasgow to
Cumbernald & on the 7th to Falkirk, Nixt day orders
were sent to the Army at Perth to Join us, and the Ar-
tilery to invest Stirling:Castle. After staying about a
aweek 4 of our 6 Highland Regiments which were ^
^ in Engld. were ordered to March to Lithgow under
night both to levy the publick money and carry off the
provisions which had been ordered to be provided for
English Army now conveened about Edn. under
                                                  who was
the Command of Genl. Hawley and ^ now advancing
towards us. Here we were Joined by Ld John Drum
                     of the Irish Brigade
mond with the pickets ^ from France, Ld Lewis Gor-
don who had joined the P. at Edn and went North
before his R. H. march'd into Engld. to raise more
                                                         and who had
men in his Brother D Gordon's Lands (who ^ defeated
aparty of the Govermt. forces under Ld. Lowdon
some hundereds of the Mcloeds & Grants under the Comd. of the Lairds Mccloed Grant & Coleairn
                           Grant & Coleairn     near Aberdn

& the Laird of Mccloed &c ^ at Inverury, ^) this happen

*Marginal note and addition to the text:
(The following marginal text addition is divided by the insert in the main text referring to Glasgow. CEM.)
D.C. made himself master of Carlyle after the ^ Garison had made abetter defence than (?) did agt us.

Cumb afterw's return'd to London and the Engl. Army fm N.Casl were ordered down to Scotl.d See Scots mag. B: